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Privacy Policy

Current as of November 30, 2016.

1. General

1.1 This privacy policy informs and notifies you of the types, the scope, the purpose, and your rights concerning your data collected and processed by Packagist Conductors GmbH (hereinafter "Packagist").

1.2 By visiting and using packagist.com and services provided by Packagist (hereinafter collectively "Packagist Services") you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

2. Collection, Processing and Use of Data

2.1 When using Packagist Services you provide Packagist with data including your name, email address, names and email addresses of other organization members, and the source code of your software packages.

2.2 We collect IP addresses during signup and login.

2.2 The data Packagist collects and processes is necessary for the conclusion of a contractual relationship, performing web requests or for billing purposes.

2.3 Packagist passes your data on to third parties to fulfil Packagist's contract with you or if it is necessary for invoicing and accounting purposes. In particular Amazon Web Services, Inc and Amazon Web Services GmbH operate our webservers and databases so that your data is stored in their data centers in Ireland and in the USA.

2.4 Packagist has put technical and organizational measures in place to protect your personally identifiable data from unauthorized access and abuse.

2.5 If required by law Packagist may provide data to law enforcement.

2.6 Packagist deletes personally identifiable data once its purpose has been fulfilled unless legally required to retain the data.

3. Log Data

3.1 When accessing Packagist Services, information about IP address, referring URL, date/time, browser version and operating system, amount and state of transferred data is stored by Packagist.

3.2 Packagist uses the log data without any other personal or pseudonymous profiling as required by law only for the purpose of the operation, security and optimization of our service.

4. Google Analytics

4.1 Packagist uses Google Analytics, a web-analysis service from Google Inc. (terms of service and privacy policy at https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/).

4. Payment Processing

4.1 Payments to Packagist are processed by Recurly, Inc. (Privacy Policy at https://recurly.com/legal/privacy) and Stripe Inc. and Stripe Payments Europe Ltd (Privacy Policy at https://stripe.com/de/privacy). Your credit card data is entered only on Recurly hosted fields, Packagist does not store credit card data.

4.2 We will store your IP address to verify your location for tax purposes.

5. Email

5.1 When you send Packagist email or contact Packagist through the web, Packagist stores the message and email headers.

5.2 Packagist will send you service related email (e.g. account confirmation, notifications of invitations, changes of the service). You cannot opt out of this email.

5.3 Packagist may send you email that is related to Packagist but not strictly related to Packagist Services or not fulfilling the requirements of a contract, only if you have given us prior consent. You can opt out of these emails at any time.

6. Cookies

6.1 A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is browsing a website. When the user browses the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie can be retrieved by the website to notify the website of the user's previous activity. Packagist uses Cookies in order to improve the usability of Packagist Services as well as for analyses and personalization purposes.

6.2 Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually refuse cookies or selectively accept certain cookies by adjusting the preferences in your browser. If you turn off cookies, there may some features of Packagist Services that will not be available to you and some web pages may not display properly.

7. Modifications

7.1 Packagist reserves the right to update this privacy policy at any time. The latest version is available at https://sdfjisdfoiewu89.packagist.com/about/privacy.

8. Disclosure and Revocation

8.1. In compliance with legal requirements Packagist will at any time provide you with information on your personally identifiable data stored by Packagist, free of charge and without undue delay.

8.2. Furthermore, you are free to revoke the approvals granted by confirming this Privacy Policy, at any time and with future effect. If you wish to do so, please contact Packagist using the contact data in the imprint.

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